Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My 90 Day Pledge

Damn. U know it's bad when even your boss says, "I can't believe you're still here." That's what my boss said to me today. He expected me to quit ages ago because even he knows I'm not living up to my potential in life. I'm so much better than this ... job. The only reason I've stayed is complacency - this job is easy, it's safe, I make decent money, have no job related stress and I know that when I do leave that I don't want to have to work another J-O-B making somebody else money. I want to work for myself.

I read somewhere once though that if making a change scares U, U should do it because it's good 4 U ... or some bullish like that.

Two or three years ago I told a co-worker "if I'm still here by the time I turn 30, shoot me in the head!" Well, folks, October ain't that far off! And I don't want 2 get shot, so, it's time I made some changes.

My business is growing well, but I won't be able to earn a livable income from it for at least another year, more than likely another year and a half, but I won't let that stop me. I'm a survivor and it's time that I prove it.

Unfortunately, my music may have to suffer short term while I make these changes, but everything that I do I have the ultimate goal of having the time and financial freedom to truly pursue my art(s) at the root of it.

So, here's my pledge to myself - come Hell or high water, in exactly 90 days, that's May 24, 2006, I will resign from my job. I've been here for over five years now when it was only supposed to be temporary. The time has come to move on.

I'm scared shitless. And like some bozo said, perhaps that's a good thing.

"For 90 days and 90 nights I'll sweat until I find the light." - Saturn, Heat Wave


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